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Juristische Zeitgeschichte. Find Prostitutes. Liszt, F.


Alcohol, regular encounters with prostitutes, avarice, and bad company were all found to be prominent factors 39 , albeit not the direct cause of crime. Certainly the authors were aware that only careful moral and intellectual education would bring forth all the best dispositions. Even though surviving reports from consular agencies and police experts indicate fraudulent and deceptive strategies in the recruitment of prostitutes in some cases, there is strong evidence that most of the women who went to brothels and stayed there actually knew about the nature of the trade that they were expected to pursue. But whereas venereal disease was a primary concern, it was not an immediate threat to society's well-being.

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Only women who were fond of fashionable clothes, idle, alcoholics, wicked, licentious, or nymphomaniacs, were expected to respond to economic hardship or to a reduction of their standard of living by prostituting themselves.

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This question was difficult to answer for police experts in German-speaking countries. In the Prostirutes run, as moral standards within all classes of society improved, they expected prostitution to become useless and meaningless. This contradiction was recognized by police experts, Aschaffenburg nevertheless supported the work of the vice squad. Oberhummer, H. Aschaffenburg border="1"> Sluts Aschaffenburg Germany Aschafffnburg Bavaria 2955272 Hookers 913 yes Popular Models Escort321 no Derniers numéros Prostitutes 288 yes Categories Prostitutes 979 no Aschaffenburg Escorts Aschaffenburg

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